We are experts at refining and evaluating large volumes of precious metals, using the most technologically advanced chemical processes.
We use state of the art refining techniques, with fully equipped laboratories and a computerised administration system, enabling us to recover precious metals and give the customer reliable results and returns.
Our refining techniques remove the impurities from the precious metals by dissolving them. The end product is extremely pure bullion which can be casted in finished line bars or even jewels.
Extraordinary care is taken with every lot we receive, including multiple weighing verification, assays and special lot processing.
We guarantee to process your scrap in the most efficient manner and give you the best possible return on your refining (which could be anything including scrap, lemels, or general factory waste). We will provide prompt payment or return of metals in bullion or fabricated forms.
Our knowledge and technical expertise helps us ensure the best treatment of all gold and silver metal lots.
We maintain a high standard of environmental friendliness. We installed a modern state of the art fume treatment plant in order to control air contaminants by reducing them at source.